Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2 0 0 8 'ing it play ME song

Gosh Dang
you put the dang in DANGer
2008 is no stranger
and how could you blame her
just cause her F L A M E B U R N S brighter than anything you've ever seen before . . .
Foot in and lock outs high hopes and low doubts
good girls and bad boys
understanding and wet joys
progression demystified
betrayal friend confides
themselves only
according to twisted lonely
Y e r o c of course
who will only later show remorse!
Leeched and looted
smells like loosing pooted
and made it rhyme with well suited. . .
took a crash course and computed
that I'm the reputed one
of the life that grabs the gun
fire in the hole of the sun
not the son
you dimwit
dim lit
son of a gun
but the daughter
of a man and a
wom ON
sounds better than your
god's preacher's sermon!

I was gonna ramble on about what the year has done . . . and more importantly what I have done to it!

That was much . . . . much . . . sweeter though!

(i know how you like that the e is biggest)

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


House F U L L of folks screaming "gotcha" loud and all the vibrations up here!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Take Away Text

Damn dude . . .

I just got broken up with by way of text message . . .
It makes me laugh out loud!

I'm tired of wondering spending energy on this . . . OOOOOooooohh . . . whose the first person I will tell, or call rambling and babbling to about this short lived too soon in the sac nightmare of a desicion I have made on such a beautiful person ! ? Sorry Matt. I'm glad you are there.
I've waited too long to become in loxe with myself . . . .
Tried to loxe a psychopath
stash the beautiful calculating math
take a rose petal bath and eat her like
rose eater . . .

Damn you make me laugh harder and more genuinely
than anyone I have ever know . . . and It is sad that I
laugh at myself like that . . .

Maybe I should brake up with myself and not be sad about it
and you can go get advice from your jealous BFF
and rake his FUCKING yard that I don't give a shit about!!!!!!

You must have realized what your mania has caused you to do . . .
still texting me in an attempt to make me not hate you?
Emotionally damaged me.
Repeatedly I oversee.
Your twisted intentions.
Loxe killed inventions.
It's about Art.
Extending us apart.
Sharp no knife.
Having me inside.
Your consciousness kills.
Pills you down.
Thrills the crown.
Like brilliant sounds.
That I make.
While laying down.
Put it down.
Downplaying my words.
I have blocked.
Missing him play.
Perfect man timing.
Its on ART!
Its fucking on!
Let me in.
Let you know
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Let you go
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

baroooooooooooowwwww (dog sound) after I tie him to a tree and leave him there.
Yo! Yo! Yo! That was cold L.D.
Yeah, . . . . well being a nice push over is starting to be a pain in my ass and progression . . . and I'm talking to the side of all you advantage taking fucks . . . friends and now foes because of that.
I loxe you and FUCK YOU!!!!!

Good night!




BTW Lorace . . . I know Aunt Jennie says above all else be nice to yourself . . . but good job fucking up your first attempt at sweet loxing commited intimacy. . . . and know it is not your fault. I loxe you girl. Don't break too many hearts out there. Don't let em' treat you bad neither. Fight for self right now.
That is what's up.

Nothing on me

Stopped smoking one month ago
starting to get padded
calling my rhymes elementary
but I can't get mad at . . .
it took me 27 years to see that's bad for my health
gotta increase the exercise
spirit wealth . . .
I was not home last night and someone coverd
up Cisco . . . Sam tried to attack me and I
prodded him with a stick yo'
Went to Perry and saw Jess
Social pressure apply the stress . . .
ring the bell
I was glad to have you
if you could not tell . . .

Friday, December 26, 2008

Fuck that beautiful

Investing in volatile stock
I don't want to let to many of my snakes out here but . . .
It's been coming . . .

It's a good possibility that I did not know what I was doing in the first place
been alone so long thinking did not know I'd allow myself to be caught up in
a sack race with such a face

I have not talked to you today so it's too early to tell if you or I made this . . . fuck that beautiful . . . I'm going back to sleep . . .

. . . it was cool seeing all of you!
. . . I miss good times had!
. . . Atlanta makes me crazy!
. . . Radio Station! PBA! Suckkkaaahhhhh!
. . . a sister can get a call back yo!
. . . I let someone touch me!
. . . bless it felt soooooo good!
. . . keep your mitts off me!
. . . OOOooohhh LahLah.
. . . It's not that I mind spending the majority of my time with you . . .
. . .right now . . .

but one thing is definitely for sure . . . .
I will not waste much time for long
on your incredibly amazing self

I want you.
Don't stand there.
Stealing my drummer.
You are thunderous.
Give me feelings.
I will experience.
Nothing is something.
Probably more better.
Let's kill this.
Come fuck me.
Needs be happy.
God I'm confused.
Confused, I'm god.
I loxe you.
Try hating you.
Does not work.
Blue meditation time.
Art killing machine.
Art to loxing.
Artistic friends loxing.
Loxing friends artistic.
Accidental phone vibrations.
Sexy leg phantoms.
Blow this up.
Feelings for you.
Take a hike.
Bring my bike.
Please do this.
Burn the anaylisis.
You have me.
Don't know how.
Won't admit it.
Only a Fuck?
Better not be!
Thanks for sharing.
Let's do it.
We're doing it.
It's being done.
He did it.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Eye I Ay

Do eye have an I or do I have an eye?

Friday, December 19, 2008

Fair Game

Old nudie picture hanging around on the floor . . .
from the night before when you had me pushed up against the door
Quick get a shower before somebody smells it
I got another coming over in 10 minutes
I don't know how to tell you this
I know it's a hassle . . that I'm the queen of my castle
asshole but you gotta see that I'm cold
and can't put up with worthless distractions
pretending like you're god wanna make a detraction
but nobody's watching - no one but me
I set you on fire and can put you out like 1 2 3
Keep it on the surface keep it simple
I can build you up and crash it like symbols
So just be careful with the games you play
I wouldn't want to hurt you or let you get away.

*This was written from a mighty fine hip*

*On my Mac*

*So there Suckkkaaahhhhhhhhh!*

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Something I Reckon

That's a whirlwind of feelings going on. Trying to be fair by posting it . . .
Don't mess around and be ghosting it. I did not believe it was real from the beginning . . . and it's a good thing cause if you don't believe you can sit around and say "Ha! I knew it!" . . . . no one will be making a fool of me in this life. Riiiiiiiight. Did your mom tell you that? There's a risk involved with sacrificing your rambling thoughts on the internet. You look here . . . with or with no direction . . . you get it.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Thanks for the Heads UP!

"I will make your life a pleasurable . . . . ."

. . .HELL Oh to kick you right in he seat of your pants

Damn . . .if only I knew that about the government
before I was born.
You did not think I would read it?
Thought it would fall on the ground?
I loxe the poetry
but don't like the way you look
at yourself either way
I like the way the grooves feel
on the chopping block
still careless
pain intense
My life is already a pleasurable hell Oh
you got excited.
"Is that the same thing as I will fuck the heart inside your mind up?"
It is made of the strongest substance that ever lived.
You can always try.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

People* Emotional* Exhausted

Emotionally exhausted.
Physically frustrated . . . wanting to move far away . . . but wanting to stay and clean up the "mess." LOL.
Black and white when colors cause too much stress. pissing off everyone around you and don't know who to call . . . not on yourself cause someone tells you you don't know who you are anymore . . . just when I thought I was right and everyone else was wrong . . . I play the fool . . . when I thought it would all work itself out . . . melt the thin ice . . . it did not. It broke and it's split seconds before we fall through . . . you are right . . . by the way . . . and I enjoy your perspective on things there's always room for growth- progression. Thanks for reminding me that I have swallowed a big pill. Thinking this whole time that I have learned to make better decisions . . . but just now . . . . thanks to you . . . I realize that this is not entirely true. Push you away until the next cycle of big things starts to get better . . . and better and so better. That was a nasty, hot, unnerving feeling that had to be processed sooner or later. Glad to have faced it. Time to let go of it all and focus on what I am trying to do and not what I would be doing because of this or that person's influence . . . do you know how hard that seems to be lately? I feel bad. Just when I had learned to be nice to myself through all these current life changes . . . blam . . . more guilt . . . laying it on thick . . . . taking things very seriously and still selfish as all get out. He makes me ask 'what have I done?' Seeing the severity of the situation come to light makes me want to fucking vomit all the cold medicine right out of my stomach onto all of you assholes (self defensively.) Cool it. Damn . . . did I actually post this?


Waiting on a midnight train to Georgia. Making music for time and time for music. The technology of loxe and the loxe of technology. A place to express ideas and not be sectioned off into oblivion. Unconditional loxe . . . with limited misunderstandings is a goal that many of us have in common. Trying to abolish insecurities and regret manifestations of doubt and superficial hatred for brothers, sisters, friends and loxers. I could say that I have no time for those that fill the space with useless negative energy, but then at times I would not exist if you held me accountable for all that I projected. Exceptional day dates and those that stay late and primates that want to mate or find the best mate or fall into obsessive states . . . . it's kinda hard out here for someone as G R E A T as myself trying to find unconditional loxe in the wrong places as a pretend family member said to me once. The truth is . . . . they had no idea of how wrong a place could be . . . . she misspoke and will never realize it because of self righteousness.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Don't think that the world does not know

Seriously? I would rather a jog around the lake with the lu lu but am taking care not to crowd a girl.
Oh my god the traffic!
They do use my music to get high and to get by. Were my royalties at, yo!
Dont make me come over there! Fast writer! Let me get my twenty of cardio and loosin up in the tub
Your p**** needs more than the crumbs you are tossing her. She told me so. I text much because my fingers hURT
Will check my phone in a few if you write more. Sweet lu lu.
Better name?
She appreciates p**** the least of all.
Know her better than you.
She says you are very inconsiderate during and after happy time. She says you dont even get up and get her Sleep
She says you never cry out her name in a moment of passion.
She writes me letters while you sleep. Really cute to see her lick a stamp!
Derrick was glad. Repeatedly!
Thanks again for treating to the movie. I enjoyed it more than i let on, really. Sweet dreams.
Come down stairs.
Hey. Done with call. Wanna get some lunch?
Please remind me to make a copy of led zep cd. Physical graffiti.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Avoiding What Would Come Out Natural

1 2 3 - - Align Right-
Ready, set, go play the game every morning.
Not all is mundane and boring, except everything - when no one knows what they mean. Who cares how they seem - personalities busting out of the seams - of China made pants in the USA walking down the street 20 guys yell "Heeeaaaay"
As if I don't have enough to do with my day . . . then you come along and pretend like she's never heard a song to dance along - I miss her too. Poor little thing trapped on that island in the stream.
Giving it up only like it was baked goods for the homeless, karma came around and left you phoneless . . . a phony protested conquest of texts you sex and send them 5 ways to your friends and . . . before you know it you got the whole world talking in the palm your hand about walking to the end of the earth to live in a new fantasy that has to be nothing less than the best for their 'little babies.' And it makes you so sick cause you don't have what they are calling a baby . . . your art yourself and a sacraficial maybe - a handful of guilt that drives the drunk homeless . . . swimming in past reverie - don't know where she's gone and believes me with all of that big useless heart - that takes up way too much space where the new couch could be placed .

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Yeah Business Time

.T H A N Kyou know who you areY O U.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Subjects Change

I'm strange for saying it, spraying it, talking bout decaying it, there's gotta a be a new way for this- better than the 1st time IyouI got dismissed . . . say my name very matter of factly . . . I'v come a long way for you to verbally attack me submissively change is now- you come back for a rebound . . . gnissik em . . . on the lips as a matter of fact, set the facts straight tHeY don't know where we're at. Why does it matter . . . nobody cares slap a label on anything that's what it wears. Showing up dressed like a 'slob' but acting the same way . . . take me out on a date and play . . . 2 nights in a row (ducks) there's still that reason you show up . . . like i'm needy . . . and I am . . . I don't ever have a problem admitting that I know nothing . . . all subjects can change. It's late . . . but not too late ; )

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Feeling good

We all run into this one. I feel good in a natural kind of way. No cig's in 4 days, no alcohol in 8 days, no caffine in 2 days and no meat, artificial food, or any bad stuff in 2 days. With the exception of the polluted atmosphere. This detox has been amazing. Especially yesterday when I had an hour and 1/2 euphoria accompanied by uncontrollable laughter and I could envision all the different Lorace's running around. The bad girl smoking Lorace's the good Lorace's, it was a trip. Leah says I was cleaning out the closets of my mind . . . but I think it was cleaning a whole lot of stuff out. He He.

I know I will eventually drink again . . . but I will turn into a snob about the cig's. I know you find yourself not hanging out with the same people or the same crowd . . . or even hanging out at all because you realize that there's much to do at home that involves work. Or playing with your BFF parrot Cisco that is mad cause you don't pay him enough attention. Since I quit drinking I have already been less despondant and more productive. Now I sound like an ad or someone that got paid off to endorse a product. No products here, but I do plan to do a 10 day yoga detox in January. Clean. Nice.

I think I have a latter reinforcement date followed by a stone mountian climb. We'll see how it turns out.


Saturday, December 6, 2008

754 i'll put dreamas in . . . . purple
Nicotine Patches make you dream freely.
I was at the beach with quite a few people . . . . this house we were staying in looked like a summer MTV spring break set. There was a stage outside and Pantera was performing(unfortunately, I slept too long and the band could have bee different) We were moshing . . .
Then Cisco and I are at the beach watching the tide roll in . . . it starts to get too close to our things so we move to the dock and I have him out of his cage. We see an eagle fly by and then 3 birds fly up. One is mixed with an eagle and a pelican. The other two birds are making fun of this half breed. Cisco says he is going to do the same . . . he want over to the bird . . . I can't remember what he said to it. I know he wanted to experience the freedom of the sky . . . but he sayed by.


We were at a motherly figure house. I can't use real names here though is is just a dream . . . . nevermind. Too personal.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Dating Shock

Cat, rat, bat mat . . . I hope you can come up with something more complicated than that. SPLAT! That is the sound of your ego hitting the surface falling on deaf ears . . . then shmearing it into the ground of indestructible fearlessness of assumtion . . . . . . . . . *
Then you get not to know who I really am . . . then I must stop seeing you cause you know too much . . . and if you really knew me you would know more than eye and that would mean I was digressing . . . . who cares as long as I'm undressing . . . then all my friends would call me digressive and none of my art would be all that impressive . . . and people would stop asking me if I had progressed enough to be tested . . .
. . . . . . . . . but back to dating . . . . . . . . .
It seems like (and I am not trying to stereotype here) all you guys who don't know me that well want to win the sac race against me. In the words of Shayla . . . 'It's a fast world'. . . damn . . . If I slow down I start observing my very own entropy and start to really like it . . . I'm only dealing with my own mind games here . . . I mean - I can stay in bed and fight to keep my own hands of this . . . well . . . snobby, fortified temple of flowers. Do you not learn from anything? Or in this case - nothing? Why would I blow you off? Why would I reject your invitation? You behaved in a way that I did not appreciate more than once. DON'T YOU KNOW WHO I AM? I am the daughter of the son of ecaroL. Recognize. I need one of those remote control shock collars as a prospect dating tool for corrections. If you fuck up, I just release some voltage into your trachea. So that way . . . no one has to argue or ask stupid fucking questions or beat around the bush of 'what's really going on here.' Light bulb: What if I dated guys that did not need shock therapy?
Hmmmm . . . .

Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Trewth About Life

The Trewth About Life

Psych . . . made you look. If there is something set in stone I don't know about it. Don't give me that shit about 'taxes' and 'death' and 'always think positive' line of thought running through your Prozac drowned brain looking out of your pink colored glasses of politics. I've had to drink from that fountain long enough and been taught with that school of thought in mind from millions of teachers and frauds and pretenders and friendsthat I have allowed myself to cherish . . . now I'm embarrassed. I feel bamboozled! Have I now reached a point in this life's maturity to handle such discoveries? You're head may as well explode . . . . blasting colorful lies that beget more lies . . . and beauty. . . but alas . . . lies can deceive even the trewest of color.

Slob Hunting

I wonder how many inquiring applicants the "Media Coordinator" position sparks on the Turner Broadcasting site. The second largest media conglomerate in the world and I want a job there. Unfortunately, I have 5,000,000 people to contend with. Maybe if I sent a collage of all the celebrity nudes I have taken (along with my cover letter) . . . I might get some attention. I once sent an inquiry to Clear Channel, requesting an interview for an audio editing position. I had to send in samples of mixes that I had done. I figured the best way to showcase my talents would be to create a mash up of projects in one 5 min long track. Well . . . I could be dead now . . . . cause I used "Psychorights with Lyndsay" as an example - where I threaten to jump from the tallest building in midtown If I have to write another cover letter. That might actually work . . . after I am forced to take therapy and eat many pills.

There's gotta be some kind of exploding xhtml trick to use when the recruiter opens the profile or when my application is like # 754 and a box of doves appear out of nowhere - and burst out on the flat screen giving some overworked, overweight and over-caffinated drone the ability to smile at the world evermore that day. I'd bless em' for seeing the true light of day again.


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

What the last move has become

I recently moved to Pine Lake, GA from East Atlanta and have been in indecisive mode even before I came here. I have had the right to have an all out bitch fest for things not going right . . . but I will leave that up to my . . . . (bless her). Now that the winter has come I will have to search for innovative ways to keep warm considering the wiring in this 1930's lake cabin does not alot enough voltage for contemporary machines, devices and computers nor does the plumbing function properly. I did attempt the first recording of "Psychotic Dog" last night and was more pleased with the 1st take than the 5th. It has been about a month and a half since I completed the second verse of the song . . . but I feel the chorus is strong. I will share . . .


I'm in loxe with a . . . psychotic dog
I can't stand it . . . get off mine
If I need some time
If I need a friend
I'll let you know
let you go
before I let you in

So I feel that my writing has gotten stronger . . . along with my deen (thanks Oscar).
I purchased a rhyming dictionary today. It is amazing how much fun you can have with that. I suggest trying it out, shout, doubt, scout, trout.

I am about to begin reading chapter 2 in Wizard - The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla. Goodnight.