Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sign up for the 'Words for DeTOx class'

Been on a 10 day detox
beat boxing the toxins
out of my system

was on the phone with my sister
I miss her and her wisdom
is like a game of twister
let go of
and kissed her

on the lemon kidney cleanse
been at the ashram, gosh darn
with new friends
yoga mats
and bending that

woke up with nausea
nasya calling ya
can't breath
crawling ta
wipe on a sleeve
get a block for those knees

about done mirror
sample this
fun beer
don't miss
truth dear
get a whiff
of this here

self loxe
that's important
hate on yourself
like an orphan
or a damaged organ
mind retortin' . . .

like mom say's
you're all you've got
that's a lot
good lookin'
put that in a pot
you're cooking . . .

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