Sunday, January 4, 2009

Busted Lightbulbs

Can't get you outta there can I?
Last night we are sitting at a dinner, or breakfast, or lunch . . . .

(please go to mall flash back shopping for boots the ones with the 1/4 leg length and brown going into a tacky made in china accessory shop with misc. items on tables . . )

the cashier with long curly Mediterranean hair says man its hot in here . . . and I look down at the fan to check the blowing air temperature . . and say . . "it's blowing hot air" then I start to wonder why. I walked by many stores trying n various different types of boot to go with my dress for (some party or ball) I look down at my watch and realize that it is 5:55 and the party is at 6:00. Why the hell did I shop this long? Tried to hustle to get out . . . there was no fashionably late . . . or was there?

Earlier we were all at moms house . . . we seemed to be Lauren, Yeroc, and some other folks . . we were hanging in Aunt Margret's old bed room, as my old bedroom, I don't know how to classify this room .. . it seems like I was rolling around in the bed with Yeroc, playing 'I'm better than you' tug-o-war . . . . all of the group ended up outside . . . (this was typical for a 1997-1998 gathering at the house) . . . .

Flash back to the cafe . . . Myself and two older ladies that Yeroc had been running game on were sitting at a table talking about my relationship exit strategy. They admitted that they wanted him and desired such a Citohcysp xes cainam profiler and emotional abuser cause at their age all they needed was sex and didn't give a damn about all the rest . . . where as I on the other hand could not deal with such. So this may be one of the ladies opportunities to hook up with him since we are officially on the out . . . and I know which lady it is. It's the one sitting directly across the table from me . . . blue suit, red lipstick, pearls, peppered below shoulder length hair -although the one to the left would not mind 'hitting that' either. These ladies are in their 50's. So the ladies get up to walk behind our table, behind me, to some vortex or chakra behind. Not to my surprise Yeroc is sitting at a table adjacent to ours. I can see him better now that the ladies had gotten up to mingle. He looks me dead in the face for about 5 seconds then makes some kind of carnivorous sexual grunting noise and slowly pushes his chair back to allow his tall ass enough room to get up and go over to the ladies and run game one them. "Huh! The nerve I thought. " I thought. There was a little bit of "How could he" mixed up in there also. So soon. After all- I am still dreaming about him, but not in that light. So . . . somehow the ladies resist and the three of us end up walking to a factory where I am soon to be employed . . . She crushes old light bulbs for a living. A strange guillotine type contraption . . . long cylindrical fluorescent tubes that were saved from WWI or II. One would place the bulb in the seating flip a switch and put some elbow grease into pulling down the lever . . . and when you released it with force . . . it made a clean cut and the bulb was cut in half. I don't think I did it right. I snuck up to this level to try it out with no training, before anyone was looking. Then the two ladies came up and made no mention of my mistake. We did however proceed to talk about how amazingly fine Yeroc was/is . . . I told them that he and I were through and there was an awkward silence and I could almost see the giddiness in these women rise as they might have a chance to 'hit that' now but then that energy ceased and they were very motherly and sympathetic about my situation . . .

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