Sunday, October 10, 2010


Back right quick to say things are going well despite my three month absence.
Life has returned to the old face of human nature once again and has not given room for much disappointment . . .
I've got friends creating characters - even though at first it comes across a a big fat slapstick . . . there's depth to these characters- even though it seems like a joke in the beginning. If you were a character, I would develop you!
Neighbors blowing horns at 8:04am on a Sunday. . . . Why would you do something like that to me? Crank up the old church bus also . . . parked right outside my window . . . I can't understand why its soooo loud !? There's the horn again- Trust me dude, they definitely heard you blow the first time. The last thing they would want to do is be late for CHURCH -
I wonder what would happen if I went to church one Sunday morning. Why would I even bother? Check it out just in case Jesus actually made an appearance with his brown curly hair (but I know it's not T R U E!)
I know he looks exactly like I do - When I look in the mirror I know its not true.
I can be me like Sunday will be Sunday ALL day long- What's this nonsense I type? Digital "hear myself write" vomit?

Nahhh . . .

This garbage stays down. NEW! and improved words that are good enough not to vomit.

Barking birds . . . a rat and a possum BOTH like my yard . . . hopefully not to die in. This bird is not worse that the church bus but annoying and is pointlessly squawking. Surely it has a point- I wonder if it knows it sounds of a duck? More like a quack. Goose perhaps. Go away possibly? To the other side of the house please.

The squirrels like to bomb my car with acorns when I get in it. What do they think they are doing? Squirrels have been known to do this (drop "a" bombs) on folks and cars. Like its going to scare me away. LOL. I think they do it for amusement. I was told my breasts are similar to (really big) acorns. Ok. I'll take it. As long as they resemble some seed of fruit.

Cisco is clean and happily sleeping under his sheet . . . for now. He also barks. I used to be reactive to this but have learned that it does no good; if anything prolongs the behavior. He's been bathed and should be ready for good times.

I designed my own wrapping paper yesterday. Was dissatisfied with it as an art piece in the end; It turned out to be beautiful gift paper.

I feel my pizazz starting to fizzle out for now. It was fun while it lasted.

; )


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